Since 2023, Camp BFO-SER has been welcoming grieving children to reframe the experience of grief and empower them with confidence, skills, support and hope. Camp BFO-SER is a bilingual, two-day grief support camp for children and teens (ages 6 to 17) who have experienced the death of someone close. Led by bereavement professionals and caring volunteers, campers are provided with a safe space to connect with other bereaved youth, to learn how to cope with their feelings and honor their loved ones through fun and meaningful activities. The camp has no religious affiliation and is free to all participants.
Because of the significant level of need, children are only able to attend one camp. Please look for our Alumni Camp invitation if you are interested in attending camp again.
DATE: May 24th and 25th, 2025
TIME: 9am to 5pm on both days
LOCATION: école élémentaire catholique l’Ange-Gardien (4831 2nd Line Rd, North Lancaster)

Camper feedback
Yes, I would recommend camp to others because I was scared at first but then I wasn’t and I learned stuff – Camper, age 10
What I liked the best at camp was meeting the people that are on their own grief journey and finding that I am not alone the hands on activities were also really great and the food – Camper, age 14
I learned that it was okay to be sad and that I’m not alone – Camper, age 8
I would recommend camp because I felt very alone through grieving and so I wouldn’t want others to feel alone too – Camper, age 12
If I could change one thing about camp it would be all day and all night – Camper, age 6
I would change nothing about camp it’s fun just the way it is. – Camper, age 14
J’ai appris que ti peux être content même sit u es en deuil. – Camper, age 10

Contact us if you have any questions
Heidi Poulin
Camp BFO-SER organizer
2025 Camper Registration (FR/EN)
Sign up to Volunteer for 2025
Thank you to our Sponsors
The Camp BFO-SER community is grateful to all of our supporters for making camp 2024 an amazing experience!
United Way, Tim Hortons, Cornwall Dairy Queen, Équipe psycho-sociale, Lahaie & Sullivan Funeral Home, Cristill Rock, Ionic Electrical, B&B Market, Henderson’s Grocery, No Frills
You can donate online at
or contact us directly for sponsorship opportunities.
Thank you for helping us create a space where grieving children can find hope and joy.
Vous pouvez faire un don en-ligne ou nous contacter directement pour le parrainage d’activités.
On vous remercie à l’avance pour votre aide. Vous nous permettez de créer un espace où les enfants endeuillés de notre région peuvent retrouver de l’espoir et du soutien.