Our 2016 Candlelight Remembrance Service was held on Wednesday evening, December 14th. 65 people gathered to share and celebrate their loved one’s life, to remember the precious bond they hold dear with their loved one(s), and to light a candle that reminded them of the light their loved one(s) brought to their life.
“Such a small little light the candle made Until I realized how much, in darkness, it lit the way.”
Many thanks to all who played a major role in the success of this evening:
- Knox-St-Paul’s United Church for hosting our Service
- Pastor Donald & his wife Pam for their touching renditions of comforting songs & music
- The United Church Women for providing the refreshments
- Jean for set-up, sound & lighting
- Barry MacDonald (Guest Speaker) for sharing his personal grief journey after the loss of his daughter and how he & his family have developed coping skills, over many years, to deal with Christmas and the Holiday season.
- B.F.O. Staff, Facilitators, Board members & Volunteers for their dedication to making this evening an opportunity for those in attendance to find courage, hope and healing.
“We’ve learned that love abides”