Denise lost her husband, companion and best friend after a prolonged illness. The emptiness and loneliness she felt were overwhelming. She came to Bereaved Families for support. Now, a few years later, Denise has trained to become a Facilitator and Co-Facilitates the Closed Groups for “Loss of a Spouse”. She admits that helping others who are grieving also helps her on her own journey.
Our goal for 2018 is to focus on public awareness of our services. During the Holiday Season, we introduced our TESTIMONIAL SERIES. Testimonial videos will be posted on our website and Facebook page. Clients have waived confidentiality in order to express how Bereaved Families has helped them on their grief journey.
We hope that this Testimonial Series will help the many bereaved who feel alone, overwhelmed with their grief, and the families and friends who support them on their journey.