May 20 – BFO-SER BBQ Fundraiser!

BFO-SER will be holding a BBQ fundraiser on May 20, 2022 to be held at FreshCo on Ninth & Marlborough from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Come meet our Volunteers and pick up a hotdog or two in support of Bereaved Families of Ontario – South Eastern Region before doing you groceries… not on an […]

Inspiring hope with Spring Baskets 2022

35 Spring Baskets were delivered this year across SDG including Cornwall and from Bainsville to Ingleside.  The objective was to help inspire hope and healing for children who have experienced the recent loss of a loved one.  We wish to thank The Happy Popcorn Co., Kid’s Korner for their donation of toys for the baskets, as […]

Our Group Sessions are back!

We are happy to announce that our in person group sessions will resume on November 25th, 2021 at the Starbright Centre from 6 to 8pm. To attend, please register through our registration form on our website: Covid protocols will be followed for in person sessions. Attendees will be required to show proof of 2 […]

Portraits to Remember – October 1st to 31st, 2021

Honour your loved ones by commemorating a special memory. A wonderful graphic artist, Tiffany Dnaka, has partnered with BFO South Eastern Region to bring our October fundraiser “Portraits to Remember” to life. She enhances images that represent our special memories with a beautiful watercolour treatment creating art to display throughout the house. She started her […]


Un décès sur 100 dans le monde est le résultat d’un suicide. Cela peut affecter chacun d’entre nous. Chaque suicide a un impact profond sur ceux qui les entourent. Cependant, en sensibilisant le public, en réduisant la stigmatisation entourant le suicide et en encourageant une action bien informée, nous pouvons réduire les cas de suicide […]


One in every 100 deaths worldwide is the result of suicide. It can affect every one of us. Each and every suicide is devastating and has a profound impact on those around them. However, by raising awareness, reducing the stigma around suicide and encouraging well-informed action, we can reduce instances of suicide around the world. […]