Author: bfocornwall

Coping With the Death of Your Pet

How to take care of yourself, your family, and other pets when you’ve had to say goodbye When a person you love dies, it’s natural to feel sorrow, express grief, and expect friends and family to provide understanding and comfort. Unfortunately, you don’t always get that understanding when a pet dies. Some people still don’t […]

Questions About Suicide: Why

Survivors inevitably search for a reason, perhaps because having a reason might restore some small sense of control in a seemingly unpredictable world.  Trying to understand “why” can occupy our minds for a long time.  Ultimately many realize they may never know. When survivors talk about their loved ones, it becomes evident that there is […]

Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser – July 16th, 2016

The Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser for Bereaved Families of Ontario-Cornwall was a ROCKIN’ SUCCESS. The Royal Canadian Legion Hall was packed with people in search of a delicious meal, upbeat conversation and outstanding musical entertainment that made everyone want to dance with the beat. Our appreciation goes out to the staff at the Royal Canadian Legion […]

Teen Workshop a Resounding Success

Our Teen Workshop, held on April 29th, was a resounding success! Nine teens and five Grief Facilitators spent the day together, sharing the stories of their losses, their pain, their grief and working on several memorabilia projects that everyone could bring home as a reminder of their day. Thanks to everyone for their honesty, candour […]

Thank You For Your Time!

We would like to thank all our wonderful volunteers who made our 19th Annual Memory Tree Lighting Ceremony, as well as the month-long Memory Tree Booth such a success this year! The generous gift of your valuable time is greatly appreciated by the Staff, Facilitators and Board of Directors of BFO.

Best Wishes from BFO-Cornwall

The Board members, Staff, Facilitators and Volunteers at BFO wish you as Merry a Christmas as is possible as you navigate through your grief process. May you find the strength to be kind to yourself and may you be blessed with empathetic, understanding and compassionate family members and friends who will journey with you. May […]