Lighting of the Memory Tree 2015

Over 100 people attended the lighting of the Memory Tree on Sunday, November 29th at the Cornwall Square.

The Centennial Choir performed during the ceremony, graciously giving their time and talents once again. BFO appreciates your participation at our annual event.
Jack Terry, our Master of Ceremony, provided the history of BFO in Cornwall and explained the meaning of the Memory Tree. He did a wonderful job of keeping the celebration going smoothly while informing new participants of the role BFO holds in the community and surrounding areas.
A generous donation was presented to BFO’s President, Alain Berger by Judy McPherson and Claire Antoine of the Centennial Choir.
Kelly Gordon, Board Member of BFO received a heartwarming round of applause for her rendition of the Memory Tree poem.
Mayor Leslie O’Shaughnessy and MPP Jim McDonell presented certificates to BFO President, Alain Berger in recognition of the 30th anniversary of Bereaved Families of Ontario-Cornwall. MP Guy Lauzon was unable to attend the ceremony to present the certificate from the federal government.